Participant follow up

Have you been through an I SEE! Scotland course? Congratulations!
Join us on Facebook or Twitter and tell others about what you have learned. But don't forget to keep reading on this page for ideas about what to do now!
Our brains are like muscles, the more we practice something new, the stronger our capacities and skills become. Here are some suggestions for continuing to strengthen your IC muscles.
Join us on Facebook or Twitter and tell others about what you have learned. But don't forget to keep reading on this page for ideas about what to do now!
Our brains are like muscles, the more we practice something new, the stronger our capacities and skills become. Here are some suggestions for continuing to strengthen your IC muscles.

On your own:
- Regularly look over the Flex Your IC Muscles exercises in your Participants Handbooks (see the back pages).
- As you follow and contribute to your favourite social media sites, watch films or podcasts, read books and magazines, and view a television programme, decide if you think what is being said, done, or shown is low or higher IC. Why? Can anything be done to manage IC better in that context?
- When a friend or co-worker tells you about a situation they are struggling with, try to figure out a high IC response. Advise your friend or co-worker using high IC and explain why you think it would be a good way to respond to the situation.